Ensuring the safety and care of our residents and staff is our priority.
Here at Woodlands of Marlette, we are taking all of the necessary steps to ensure our residents, and staff are all safe and cared for during this crisis. The following items indicate the steps that we are taking and have taken to ensure the health and safety of everyone within our community.
Ensuring all current staff has received testing and ensuring new residents and staff are tested before entering the community.
New employees have been tested for COVID -19 before training begins.
Ensuring all new residents are tested prior to admission.
Given the chance a staff member or resident gets diagnosed, they must have two negative tests before returning to the community.
Daily tips sent to staff – enforcing our policy and procedures.
Enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols.
Implementing a crisis team that is ready to take action to provide support to all employees.
Consistently re-educating community leaders and caregivers on disease prevention efforts.
Developed a hotline for employee questions
Continuing to enforce visitor restriction, except for end of life situations. Visitors will be screened prior to entry. Families will be restricted to their loved one’s apartment.
Woodlands of Marlette COVID-19 Reopening Plan
Care Management Team:
Utilization of telemedicine when possible.
Infection Control:
PPP protocols are being followed by all staff and residents
Residents are to wear masks in public spaces
Infection Control Visitation:
Screening everyone entering the community for COVID-19 symptoms. Protocol and location under review. If fever or symptoms are present or there are positive responses to the CDC Guideline Questionnaire, the visitor will not be allowed entry into the community.
Limited visitation hours TBD. Visitation hours to allow screening of all potential visitors (see above)
All visitors must wear a cloth face covering or mask over their mouth and nose regardless of symptoms.
No visitors under the age of 18 are allowed.
Two visitors at a time per resident.
Dining and Activities: No visitors until further notice.
Infection Control – Housekeeping/Maintenance:
CDC recommended deep cleaning and surface cleaning protocols are being followed.
Provide alcohol-based hand rub and tissue at entrances.
Care Training- New Hires:
All new hires are tested for COVID-19
Learn more about our commitment to care.
At The Heartlands, we are proud to deliver quality care to our residents. To learn more about our commitment to excellent senior care, contact us today!